Mi trabajo

Symbiosis with literature. Far from being a mere accompaniment, every illustration I create tries to contribute something to the text, sometimes even telling things that are not written…

Images matter. Whether in textbooks or in literary works, they always attract, motivate, clarify… They encourage us to reach new worlds, a springboard to dive into reading.

Many different ideas, sketches, drawings with a life of their own, which keep evolving, sometimes even after they have been published.

I’ve been doing book covers of all genres for almost two decades, although in recent years, especially since Erein publishing house commissioned me to design the Cosecha Roja / Uzta Gorria collection, I’ve done a lot of covers for crime novels.

Proyecto Cristina Fernandez
Proyecto Cristina Fernandez
Proyecto Cristina Fernandez
Proyecto Cristina Fernandez

The cover is the presentation of the book, the first physical contact. A good cover should engage and create expectations

Proyecto Cristina Fernandez
Proyecto Cristina Fernandez

Publishers such as Erein, Elkar, Santillana / Zubia, Ibaizabal and Mensajero have trusted me and I have also worked for independent publications.